Where Do All the Ghosts Go? is a dark comedy about the effects of the demolition of a historic NYC building on the ghosts of significant people that have made it their post-life home. The play brings together five ghosts who faced adversity in life. Sarah Bernhardt, baptized Catholic, faced anti-Semitism in the 19th century for publicly acknowledging her Jewish heritage; Elizabeth Keckley, former slave and companion of Mary Todd Lincoln, encountered racism and segregation during travels with the widow; Buffalo Bill, Indian fighter in his youth, employed American Indians in his wild west shows and mourned the death of his great friend Chief Sitting Bull; Marcel Duchamp created a controversial genre of visual art using found objects; Alice Lansen, accused thief, was a self-proclaimed baroness.
Together, these ghosts who face homelessness must convince a young living lesbian couple that ghosts really exist in order to get help in finding a new eternal home.
Written and directed by Barbara Kahn
Set & light design¦Mark Marcante
Costume design¦Everett Clark
Sound designer¦Joy Linscheid
Prop design & building¦Lytza R. Colon
Graphic design¦Virginia Asman, illuminage studio
Stage manager¦Selear Duke
Featuring: Chloe Simone Crawford, David Leeper, Christopher Lowe, Sarah Teed, Steph Van Vlack, Ashley Versher, Fleur Voorn